Happy New Year - Dragon!

I can't do any better for photo. It's plain colors, plain background but it gives deep impact to my sense and induce beautiful feeling every time..
Just a few second I could capture it fast to record the tender love and care of both loves of my life..
Poon is a half Labrador and Golden Retriever who always thinks she is a mom of every pet in my house.. She is mother to several cats even give real milk to Sanshiro.
Sanshiro is the homeless cat I found when he was very young, skinny and totally hungry.. He ran to me and I decided to adopt him ... He was with me since 5 Jan this year and passed away in Sep this year too.. Really short time with him but ia the most impressive time with pets, ever in my life..
During weekend I often sit in front yard and pets gather all around.. It's good times to spend and I could observe so many wonderful things in my garden where somehow I feel like it is little secret garden..
Just very impressive moment of tender love and care of dog and cat for me. In this photo, Everything is tough, hard and concrete but the only gentleness is their love
Tender Love and Care
This was the most amazing creature that i have found over my garden in the early morning... I dnt knw its name... ♡
Amazing Creature
The scene in front of the Burning Life Temple just before the first Burn. Chimeracool is wearing her drum and dancing but her drum sound is off to reduce lag. Plenty of other drums beating...
Burning Life Temple about to Burn! - Chimeracool Burner
Swapbot Year of the Tiger block print for Japanese New Years ( Jan. 1 ). I've been printing more for Chinese New Years ( Feb. 14 ). Soft block Easycut from Dick Blick Art Stores, printed on an assortment of discarded book pages. This one is a trashed Japanese book about Arctic Exploration (?). Acrylic hand coloring. Mounted on a rescued file folder. First block printed with the Christmas present hand press.
This little creeper got lost in my house yesterday evening and was sitting on the wall of the staircase... Shot with SB-800 flash off camera using a Gary Fong diffusor. Wished I stopped down a little more but is was very dark and I didn't have much time before it went off...
scared anyone?
Greater Sulfur Crested Cockatoo
Cows can fly? Well, milk can :)
I did another session of double drops collision splashes last night. About 4hs of work, 352 photos of which 41 I got reasonable in focus, with good shape, light and colors, but none came out really outstanding as I'm looking for... well, it's always a learning process... the setup is still in place and I got new ink for tonight, let's see what I get.
Please suggest color combinations!
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Vacas podem voar? Bom, leite pode :)
Fiz outra sessão de colisão de gotas na noite passada. Por volta de 4hs de trabalho, 352 fotos das quais 41 consegui razoavelmente em foco, com boa forma e cores, ms nenhuma ficou realmente excepcional como eu queria... bom, é sempre um processo de aprendizado... a tralha ainda está toda montada e arrumei tintas novas para hoje à noite, vamos ver o que consigo.
Por favor de sugestões de combinação de cores!
Flying Milk
and happy new year ;)
Buon Natale - Merry Christmas !!!
The art of Light on Water- Chinese Lanternes de Chine
The art of Light on Water- Chinese Lanternes de Chine
Mercedes Sosa canta Gracias a la Vida - Letra de Violeta Parra - http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violeta_...
Gracias a la Vida que me ha dado tanto
me dio dos luceros que cuando los abro
perfecto distingo lo negro del blanco
y en el alto cielo su fondo estrellado
y en las multitudes el hombre que yo amo.
Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto
me ha dado el oido que en todo su ancho
graba noche y dia grillos y canarios
martillos, turbinas, ladridos, chubascos
y la voz tan tierna de mi bien amado.
Gracias a la Vida que me ha dado tanto
me ha dado el sonido y el abedecedario
con él las palabras que pienso y declaro
madre amigo hermano y luz alumbrando,
la ruta del alma del que estoy amando.
Gracias a la Vida que me ha dado tanto
me ha dado la marcha de mis pies cansados
con ellos anduve ciudades y charcos,
playas y desiertos montañas y llanos
y la casa tuya, tu calle y tu patio.
Gracias a la Vida que me ha dado tanto
me dio el corazón que agita su marco
cuando miro el fruto del cerebro humano,
cuando miro el bueno tan lejos del malo,
cuando miro el fondo de tus ojos claros.
Gracias a la Vida que me ha dado tanto
me ha dado la risa y me ha dado el llanto,
asi yo distingo dicha de quebranto
los dos materiales que forman mi canto
y el canto de ustedes que es el mismo canto
y el canto de todos que es mi propio canto.
Gracias a la Vida
Gracias a la Vida
Gracias a la Vida
Gracias a la Vida
Translate to English:
Mercedes Sosa - Thanks to life (Violeta Parra)
Thanks to life, which has given me so much.
It gave me two beams of light, that when opened,
Can perfectly distinguish black from white
And in the sky above, her starry backdrop,
And from within the multitude
The one that I love.
Thanks to life, which has given me so much.
It gave me an ear that, in all of its width
Records— night and day—crickets and canaries,
Hammers and turbines and bricks and storms,
And the tender voice of my beloved.
Thanks to life, which has given me so much.
It gave me sound and the alphabet.
With them the words that I think and declare:
"Mother," "Friend," "Brother" and the light shining.
The route of the soul from which comes love.
Thanks to life, which has given me so much.
It gave me the ability to walk with my tired feet.
With them I have traversed cities and puddles
Valleys and deserts, mountains and plains.
And your house, your street and your patio.
Thanks to life, which has given me so much.
It gave me a heart, that causes my frame to shudder,
When I see the fruit of the human brain,
When I see good so far from bad,
When I see within the clarity of your eyes...
Thanks to life, which has given me so much.
It gave me laughter and it gave me longing.
With them I distinguish happiness and pain—
The two materials from which my songs are formed,
And your song, as well, which is the same song.
And everyone's song, which is my very song.
Thanks to life
Thanks to life
Thanks to life
Thanks to life
Tradução para Português:
Mercedes Sosa - Obrigado à vida (Violeta Parra)
Obrigado à vida que me tem dado tanto
deu-me dois olhos que, quando os abro
perfeitamente distingo o preto do branco
e no alto céu, o seu fundo estrelado
e nas multidões, o homem que eu amo.
Obrigado à vida que me tem dado tanto
deu-me o ouvido que, em toda a amplitude,
grava, noite e dia, grilos e canários
martelos, turbinas, latidos, chuviscos
e a voz tão terna do meu bem amado.
Obrigado à vida que me tem dado tanto
deu-me o som e o abecedário
e, com ele, as palavras com que penso e falo
mãe, amigo, irmão e luz iluminando
a rota da alma de quem estou amando.
Obrigado à vida que me tem dado tanto
deu-me a marcha dos meus pés cansados
com eles andei por cidades e charcos,
praias e desertos, montanhas e planícies
pela tua casa, tua rua e teu pátio.
Obrigado à vida que me tem dado tanto
deu-me o coração que todo se agita
quando vejo o fruto do cérebro humano,
quando vejo o bem tão longe do mal,
quando vejo no fundo do teus olhos claros.
Obrigado à vida que me tem dado tanto
deu-me o riso e deu-me o pranto
assim eu distingo a felicidade da tristeza,
os dois materiais de que é feito o meu canto
e o canto de todos, que é o meu próprio canto
Obrigado à Vida
Obrigado à Vida
Obrigado à Vida
Obrigado à Vida
Mercedes Sosa - Gracias a La Vida
A sunflower star waits for the tide onthe beach at South Cove at Cape Arago on the Oregon Coast. I should have spent more time with this star, but I was on my way back up to the trail. I am fascinated by the sand tracks the star made when it the tide went out under it. These creatures came move fairly fast for a sea star, but this one was too far from solid rock to make any headway. Hopefully the tide returned before the birds got to it.
It Came From the Sea
21 Armed Sunflower Starfish at Quillayute Needles. Olympic National Park.
21 Arms at Quillayute Needles
Taken at the Seattle Aquarium
The sunflower sea star (Pycnopodia helianthoides) is a large predatory sea star usually with 16-24 limbs called rays. It is the largest sea star in the world. Sunflower sea stars can grow to have an arm span of 1 m (3 ft.) in diameter.[1] The color of the sunflower sea star ranges from bright orange, yellow and red to brown and sometimes to purple, with soft, velvet-textured bodies and 16-24 arms with powerful suckers. Most sea star species have a mesh-like skeleton that protects their internal organs. Easily stressed by predators such as large fish and other sea stars, they can shed arms to escape, which will grow back within a few weeks. They are part of the diet of the king crab.
The sunflower sea stars are quick, efficient hunters, moving at a speed of one meter per minute, using 15,000 tube feet which lie on the undersides of the body. They commonly hang around urchin barrens, as the sea urchin is a favorite food. They also eat clams, snails, abalone, sea cucumbers and other sea stars. In Monterey Bay, California, they will feed upon dead or dying squid. Although the sunflower sea star can greatly extend its mouth, for larger prey, the stomach can extend outside the mouth to digest prey, such as gastropods like abalone. Their feeding behavior was filmed in the 2006 BBC nature documentary, Planet Earth.
Sunflower starfish
Colorado Balloon Classic - Day 2
I'm still screwed up from jet lag so when I was reminded of the Balloon Classic by the Colorado Springs Gazette (at 3am) I decided to sneak out of the house to check it out around 7. I'm taking the family tomorrow morning.
Colorado Balloon Classic - Day 1
© 2008 by Vikram Ramakrishnan - all rights reserved
made explore on Jul 10, 2007 #350
anjali's beautiful mehndi creation
Two Hourglass dolphins breaching, Southern Ocean
Breaching Hourglass Dolphins
(FILES): This February 12, 1996 file photo shows US pop star Michael Jackson (L) performing during the filming of his video "They Don't Care About Us" in Rio de Janeiro with a view of the city in the background. Pop icon Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009 after suffering a cardiac arrest, multiple US media outlets reported, sending shockwaves around the entertainment world. AFP PHOTO / Files.
Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American recording artist, entertainer, and businessman. The seventh child of the Jackson family, he debuted on the professional music scene at the age of 11 as a member of The Jackson 5 and began a solo career in 1971 while still a member of the group. Referred to as the "King of Pop" in subsequent years, his 1982 Thriller is the world's best-selling record of all time and four other solo studio albums are also among the world's best-selling records: Off the Wall(1979), Bad (1987), Dangerous (1991) and HIStory (1995).
In the early 1980s, he became a dominant figure in popular music and the first African-American entertainer to amass a strong crossoverfollowing on MTV. The popularity of his music videos airing on MTV, such as "Beat It", "Billie Jean" and Thriller—widely credited with transforming the music video from a promotional tool into an art form—helped bring the relatively new channel to fame. Videos such as "Black or White" and "Scream" made Jackson an enduring staple on MTV in the 1990s. With stage performances and music videos, Jackson popularized a number of physically complicated dance techniques, such as the robot and the moonwalk. His distinctive musical sound and vocal style influenced many hip hop, pop and contemporary R&B artists.
Jackson donated and raised millions of dollars for beneficial causes through his foundation, charity singles and support of 39 charities. Other aspects of his personal life, including his changing appearance and behavior, generated significant controversy, damaging his public image. Though he was accused of child sexual abuse in 1993, the criminal investigation was closed due to lack of evidence and Jackson was not charged. The singer had experienced health concerns since the early 1990s and conflicting reports regarding the state of his finances since the late 1990s. Jackson married twice and fathered three children, all of which caused further controversy. In 2005, Jackson was tried and acquitted of further sexual abuse allegations and several other charges.
One of the few artists to have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice, his other achievements include multiple Guinness World Records—including one for "Most Successful Entertainer of All Time"—13 Grammy Awards, 13 number one singles in his solo career—more than any other male artist in the Hot 100 era and the sale of 750 million records worldwide. Jackson's highly publicized personal life, coupled with his successful career, made him a part of popular culture for almost four decades. Jackson died on June 25, 2009, aged 50. The specific cause of death has yet to be determined. Prior to his death, Jackson had announced a 50 date sell-outThis Is It comeback tour, in London, England.
Steve Huey of Allmusic asserts that throughout his solo career, Jackson's versatility allowed him to experiment with various themes and genres. As a musician, he ranged fromMotown's dance fare and ballads to techno-edged new jack swing to work that incorporates both funk rhythms and hard rock guitar. Unlike many artists, Jackson did not write his songs on paper. Instead he would dictate into a sound recorder; when recording he would sing from memory Several critics observed Off the Wall was crafted from funk, disco-pop, soul, soft rock, jazz and pop ballads. Prominent examples include the ballad "She's out of My Life", and the two disco tunes "Workin' Day and Night" and "Get on the Floor".
According to Huey, Thriller refined the strengths of Off the Wall; the dance and rock tracks were more aggressive, while the pop tunes and ballads were softer and more soulful. Notable tracks included the ballads "The Lady in My Life", "Human Nature" and "The Girl Is Mine"; the funk pieces "Billie Jean" and "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'"; and the disco set "Baby Be Mine" and "P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)". With Thriller, Christopher Connelly of Rolling Stone commented that Jackson developed his long association with the subliminal theme of paranoia and darker imagery. Allmusic's Stephen Thomas Erlewine noted this is evident on the songs "Billie Jean" and "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" In "Billie Jean", Jackson sings about an obsessive fan who alleges he has fathered a child of hers In "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" he argues against gossip and the media. The anti-gang violence rock song "Beat It" became a homage to West Side Story, and was Jackson's first successful rock cross-over piece, according to Huey. He also observed that the title track "Thriller" began Jackson's interest with the theme of the supernatural, a topic he revisited in subsequent years. In 1985, Jackson wrote the charity anthem "We Are the World"; humanitarian themes later became a central component of his life and music.
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In Bad, Jackson's concept of the predatory lover can be seen on the rock song "Dirty Diana". The lead single "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" was a traditional love ballad, while "Man in the Mirror", an anthemic ballad of confession and resolution, improved on his earlier "We Are the World". "Smooth Criminal" was an evocation of bloody assault, rape and likely murder. Allmusic's Stephen Thomas Erlewine states that Dangerous presents Jackson as a stark paradoxical individual. He comments the album is more diverse than his previous Bad, as it appeals to an urban audience while also attracting the middle class with anthems like "Heal the World". The first half of the record is dedicated to new jack swing, including songs like "Jam" and "Remember the Time".The album is Jackson's first where social ills become a primary theme; "Why You Wanna Trip on Me", for example, protests against world hunger, AIDS, homelessness and drugs.Dangerous contains sexually charged efforts like "In the Closet", a love song about desire and denial, risk and repression, solitude and connection, privacy and revelation. The title track continues the theme of the predatory lover and compulsive desire. The second half includes introspective, pop-gospel anthems such as "Will You Be There", "Heal the World" and "Keep the Faith"; these songs show Jackson finally opening up about various personal struggles and worries. In the ballad "Gone Too Soon", Jackson gives tribute to his friend Ryan White and the plight of those with AIDS.
HIStory creates an atmosphere of paranoia. Its content focuses on the hardships and public struggles Jackson went through just prior to its production. In the new jack swing-funk-rock efforts "Scream" and "Tabloid Junkie", along with the R&B ballad "You Are Not Alone", Jackson retaliates against the injustice and isolation he feels, and directs much of his anger at the media. In the introspective ballad "Stranger in Moscow", Jackson laments over his "fall from grace", while songs like "Earth Song", "Childhood", "Little Susie" and "Smile" are all operatic pop pieces. In the track "D.S.", Jackson launched a verbal attack against Tom Sneddon. He describes Sneddon as an antisocial, white supremacist who wanted to "get my ass, dead or alive". Of the song, Sneddon said, "I have not—shall we say—done him the honor of listening to it, but I’ve been told that it ends with the sound of a gunshot". Invinciblefound Jackson working heavily with producer Rodney Jerkins. It is a record made up of urban soul like "Cry" and "The Lost Children", ballads such as "Speechless", "Break of Dawn" and "Butterflies" and mixes hip hop, pop and rap in "2000 Watts", "Heartbreaker" and "Invincible".
Jackson sang since he was a child, and over time his voice and vocal style changed noticeably, either through puberty or a personal preference to align his vocal interpretation to the themes and genres he chose to express. Between 1971 and 1975, Jackson's voice "descended ever so slightly from boy soprano to his current androgynous high tenor". In the mid-1970s, the singer adopted a "vocal hiccup" as seen in "Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)". The purpose of the hiccup—somewhat like a gulping for air or gasping—was to help promote a certain emotion, be it excitement, sadness or fear. With the arrival of Off the Wall in the late 1970s, Jackson's abilities as a vocalist were well regarded; Allmusic described him as a "blindingly gifted vocalist". At the time, Rolling Stone compared his vocals to the "breathless, dreamy stutter" of Stevie Wonder. Their analysis was also that "Jackson's feathery-timbered tenor is extraordinarily beautiful. It slides smoothly into a startling falsetto that's used very daringly".1982 saw the release of Thriller, and Rolling Stone were of the opinion that Jackson was then singing in a "fully adult voice" that was "tinged by sadness".
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The release of "Bad" in 1987 displayed gritty lead vocals on the verse and lighter tones employed on the chorus.[20] A distinctive deliberate mispronunciation used frequently by Jackson, occasionally spelt "cha'mone" or "shamone", is also a staple in impressions and caricatures of him.The turn of the 1990s saw the release of the introspective album Dangerous; here Jackson used his vocals to intensify the split themes and genres described earlier. The New York Times noted that on some tracks, "he gulps for breath, his voice quivers with anxiety or drops to a desperate whisper, hissing through clenched teeth" and he had a "wretched tone". When singing of brotherhood or self-esteem the musician would return to "smooth" vocals. "In the Closet" contained heavy breathing and a loop of five scat-sung syllables, whereas in the album's title track, Jackson performs a spoken rap. When commenting on Invincible, Rolling Stone were of the opinion that—at the age of 43—Jackson still performed, "exquisitely voiced rhythm tracks and vibrating vocal harmonies". Nelson George summed up Jackson's vocals by stating "The grace, the aggression, the growling, the natural boyishness, the falsetto, the smoothness—that combination of elements mark him as a major vocalist".
Michael Jackson : A small tribute to "The KinG Of PoP"